Find a lawyer who meets your needs.
Connecting with you
Define the problem.
Let’s chat!
We take the time to really listen, and to understand the problem from your perspective.
Learn the Rules.
This is where we can help.
We will explain the law, your rights, the process, your options, and discuss the most likely outcomes.
Decide & Act.
You decide how to proceed.
Sometimes, we are able to take simple actions to solve a problem that seems much bigger than it actually is. Other times, we need to rely on the Courts. Either way, YOU are in the driver’s seat.
Repeat as needed.
Most legal issues are complex, and take time to resolve. It is often necessary to iterate - to pause, step-back, and re-assess the approach and results as needed.
How much will this cost?
Legal costs can vary, depending on what issues we are asked to assist you with. However, we do our very best to commit to fair and reasonable compensation, along with transparent pricing. That is why we offer fixed-fee services wherever we can, and always discuss our fees with you before agreeing to act on your behalf. Head over to our Services page for more info, or to see our current pricing for common issues.
Are consultations kept private?
Yes. All consultations with our office are held in strict confidence. Not only is it a requirement by the Law Society, it is also an ethical and moral obligation that we take very seriously. Getting legal help can be difficult, but you can be assured that any issue we discuss will be kept confidential.
How long will it take to solve my legal issue?
We like straight answers too, however, this is a tough one! We really can’t answer this question without first having a detailed conversation with you. In addition, the length of time that it takes often depends on external things like the availability of Court days, the other party, and any further issues that may arise during the your case. The unfortunate truth is that court actions can often take years to make their way through the process, but we do our best to keep you updated along the way and to let you know if any long delays are expected.
What area of law does your firm specialize in?
The Law Society has strict rules on when a lawyer can be called a ‘specialist’. For that reason, even though a lawyer may have extensive experience and skills one area, we don’t usually use the term ‘specialty’. Lawyers are entitled, by virtue of their office, to practice in any area of the law that they wish. Our firm focuses on serving clients in a wide variety of legal matters, which is intended to travel alongside you throughout your life. These include Corporate & Commercial Law, Real Property, Criminal Law, Civil Litigation, and Estate Planning and Administration.
What is the best way to get in touch with you?
There are many ways to get in touch. We try to make this process as easy as possible. You can reach us by filling out the forms on this website, by email, by phone, text message, or by stopping by our office. If you are looking to discuss your legal matter with us, please visit the Contact Us page, and let’s start the conversation.